Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Write it

Im gonna sit here on this page until I have something positive or inspiring to write.....

Ok...  here it is..... wait for it.... Im thinking...... thinking.......

Ok.... most of what I write is for me and me alone, but that doesn't matter. I write it. I write it because its good for me. I write it because it takes the pressure off. I write it because it keeps me writing. I write it because there's nothing else to do. I write it. Just write it. 

Today I feel silly. Today I feel strangely daring. Today I want to scream. Today I want to be solum, but I can't. Today I want to fly. Today I want to sing. Today I want to dance, to my iPod  as I walk down the street. Today I want to hug a stranger. Today I want to be famous. Today I want to smile. Today I want to cry. Today I wish I were whole. Today I have hope.


Justin Davis Davanzo said...

sounds like an amazing go

Swirly said...

Wherever you are and whatever you're feeling I love you!

Ms. Conley said...

xoxox :-)