Sunday, January 13, 2008


Started a photography class last Tuesday and have been working hard to keep my head above water with all that technical aspect and really try learn this stuff; f-stops, exposure, filtration, shutter speeds, lighting, composition, etc, etc...My first "assignment" was to pick a theme, take 10 pictures with different lighting and composition, etc. On Tueday my pictures will be shown in front of about 40 students and Jones, my teacher - he says he doesn't have a first name. Yikes. I am really nervous that my pictures are crap, but that doesn't really matter if I actually learn something......

My theme, a red chair and foot traveling through the seasons.........don't ask me how I came up with that one, because I have no idea.........So, I borrowed a red chair from Design Within Reach and my cousin, Zoe's foot and traveled around LA finding different locations to show the different seasons. A little bit if a challenge, since LA has only 'one' season, but, I pulled it off in 2 days...not too bad. I'll keep you posted on how it goes on Tuesday.

Other than that, I think I have found a place to live for a while...more on that once I know more...


Justin Davis Davanzo said...

the class is going to love found a place too?? awesome! Where??
the pics are amazing.

Swirly said...

I LOVE this photograph!!!