Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Exiting Christmas

Los Angeles is already in full swing…. the twinkle lights are up, Santa’s house is everywhere, and the Christmas trees are sparkling. The malls are jammed with a vortex of shoppers carrying brightly colored bags that make us want to purchase something.

Requests for my wish list are already beginning to roll in. So….. here it is:

If it’s handmade, by you - I want it
If you created it - I want it
If you painted it - I want it
If you wrote it – I want it
I will be just as happy to have nothing at all

For I am giving myself the very best gift….. 8 days in Fiji and 14 days in the Beautiful Land Down Under…where people eat vegemite sandwich’s, drink beer before noon, never pronounce the letter ‘R’ - as it takes up too much time and they always know how to smile and say “G’Day Mate”!

So, my dear friends, this year I am giving you the chronicles of my journey and if you’re lucky, I’ll bring you a sea shell from Fiji……. Or maybe a vegemite sandwich…yummy....


Justin Davis Davanzo said...

you know how much i hate the vegemite stuff, but I would give anything to eat the fatest vegemite sandwich you could make just to be near you this xmas...this post really hits home with your departure and as sad as I feel i am more excited for you than anything knowing how important this is and how much you need this....i miss your face

Swirly said...

Australia is BEAUTIFUL!!! Between Brisbane and Cairnes there are a million little islands that are so perfect and beautiful. Byron Bay...Surfer's Paradise...all of these places I visited on a two week trip there many years ago. All you want to do is be out in the sun and surf and rainforest. It makes me eager to plan a trip to see a dear friend in New Zealand, who is about to return there after working in Afghanistan for two years. Have a great trip!